Online Marketing & Expert MailerLite Assistance

I offer both one-off and ongoing support in all these areas…

Online Marketing Strategy & Action

Marketing Tech VA Services

This is for you if you want someone on your team to strategise and plan with. Someone who understands how online marketing systems work best.

  • Consistent support and advice on marketing strategy

  • Hands-on support to take the required action steps

  • Writing and running promotional campaigns

  • Setting up and launching new products & programmes

  • Designing & building a clean, clear web presence
  • Focus, focus, focus!

Expert MailerLite Assistance

Certified MailerLite Expert

This is for you if you have a MailerLite account and want to get it set up and working efficiently to the full extent of its fantastic capabilities.

  • Account set-up and/or transition

  • Managing & segmenting subscriber lists

  • Designing email, sign-up form & landing page templates

  • Building automation sequences

  • Designing, building & managing websites

  • Ecommerce integration

Website Design & Management

Lead Magnet Package

This is for you if you want a clean, clear, well-structured & up-to-date website.

  • Designing & building full websites in MailerLite
  • Managing website content for websites in WordPress

  • Creating opt-in pages for lead magnet offers

  • Building sales pages & integrating with ecommerce packages

  • Focus on clean website structure and navigation

Mailing Lists, Automations & Newsletters

Funnel Builder Package

This is for you if you want some help managing your mailing list and sending out emails.

  • Segmenting & managing mailing lists

  • Creating email templates for promo campaigns & newsletters

  • Designing & building automation sequences

  • Running promo email campaigns

  • Managing regular newsletter schedules


Infusionsoft Support

This is for you if you want to sell your services & training courses online.

  • Integrating shopping cart & payment processing platforms
  • Developing online shop & individual sales pages
  • Setting up online training courses ready for sale
  • Configuring post-purchase delivery processes

Graphic Design

Facebook Ads Package

This is for you if you want a consistently branded presence both on and offline.

  • Creating graphics & sourcing images to match your brand guidelines

  • Building emails & web pages with congruent imagery
  • Composing social media banners

  • Designing promotional flyers & postcards for offline use

Certified MailerLite Expert
Campaign Monitor
Microsoft Office
Google Analytics
Google Ads
Facebook Ads